Monday, September 16, 2013

Aug 14. Moving back - moving forward

Arrived in LA on Aug 9. Ripley arrived later that evening. We met on Nathan's little-ish motorized sleep-on boat harbored at Marina del Rey. Very cool retreat. Slapping water on the boat sides. Clanking halyards on nearby sailing boats. Raucous seagulls fighting over who knows what. But no sirens. No traffic sounds. No city it seemed! Loved it.

It was exciting to see Ripley looking so handsome and grown up. Like a very new, old friend. Very comfortable chats. Easy decision making. Fun to be together.

We found a used clothes shop for clothes used once or twice in the movies. We outfitted R with some really great new/used clothes. In particular some grey suede shoes which fit like a dream.

Venice beach had some nice surprises. The Dodgers beat Tampa Bay on a beautiful evening. It turns out that Ripley took to the upright paddle board (or whatever you call it) like a duck to water. Bel Air is too exclusive and too difficult to get in and out of. Paparazzi have a really boring job - sitting on curbsides waiting for "somebody" to pass by.  We didn't qualify even though we passed 3 times!  Santa Monica might have apricots, but it's just too too. Dinner on Malibu Beach was fun and joining some pretty fancy cars at traffic lights gave R a kick.

This morning we. Went to the airport together, hugged and walked in different directions into different lives - to meet again in a year or so. Very odd sensation for me, because it seemed so completely normal!

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