Thursday, September 26, 2013

I think I can! I think I can!

It has been a long slog while I have been trying to understand how to post my own blog.

Tim and Mary have been BFF's and have posted my blogs from Peru. Now it's my turn and today I think I'm going to make it happen. Yesterday I discovered Blogsy which somehow simplifies how to post a blog from an iPad mini. Now I can actually post pictures. That was really holding me up. But Blogsy has solved that problem - I hope.

It is fair to say that Peru and China are two VERY different experiences for me.

In Cusco volunteers were the worker-bees. Volunteers are constantly excited by the new experiences. Volunteers wanted to suck the marrow from every bone. Cusco is a small city with many accessible components. I experienced Cusco as heart work - pulsing. Friends were easily made - knowing it was short-lived and special.

In Beijing paid employees are the worker-bees. Employees are guided by internal politics & standards. Employees want to do a good job and go home. Beijing is huge, with many areas that I'll never see. I am experiencing Beijing as brain work - controlled. Friend-making is slower - it ruffles routine patterns.


So this being my first solo blog post, I will sign off now, with a smile from 50 years ago!


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