Tuesday, June 18, 2013


The Seeker60+ years of photos sorted, scanned, filed, notated, made into books – Done

All emails consolidated into new email file and notes sent to many folks – Done

House cleaned from top to bottom – everything touched and decisions made as to whether to have it be my special item or for the general use of the tenant (I had forgotten that having a tenant meant that I had to move out!!) – Done

All paperwork touched, sorted, filed or thrown out after decisions are made – Done

Books sorted – many sent to used book store – Done

Travel plans made, visas gotten, tickets bought, contacts list filing up, projects planned – Done

Learning to use ipad mini – difficult for a techno-klutz – Done

Lists for the tenant – Done

Clothes and books and vitamins..... chosen for packing – Done

Packing – a very difficult hurdle to overcome – kind of represented that this was not a flight of fantasy. – Done

House looks gorgeous all stripped down. Friends are being so loving and supportive. There are so many more things that could be done and won’t be. Why leave now when I’m on a roll?

I cast the runes the other day with the general question “How am I doing with my life?” The answer – Powerful forces of change are at work here. Yet what is achieved is not easily or readily shared. After all, becoming whole – the means of it – is a profound secret. Do not expect too much, or in the ordinary way, for the old way has come to an end: You simply cannot repeat the old and not suffer. Stay in the true present, the only time in which self-change can be realized.

So on with the show. I leave tomorrow.


  1. What an inspiration! Best wishes for an amazing and safe trip!
    Love, Jane and Christy

  2. I am so impressed and inspired by you, my darling and daring auntie. Lead the way...

  3. God Speed. I'm looking forward to following your adventures.
    Love, peace and many hugs, Debby

    I guess I need to show as anonymous 'cause I don't know what the other choices under profile mean. (:>)

    1. You can do a blogger profile just by typing your name.

  4. If the trip is anywhere nearly as awesome as the preparation seems to have been, you're in for an incredible ride! Onward!
