Thursday, June 6, 2013

Time is Shortening

Whoa, time is shortening. I’m feeling the pressure of tying up loose ends....
Last teaching day was stuffed animal introduction day!
Such fun. I love those kids.
  1. finishing teaching – this time it’s the end (except for the teaching I’ll do on this trip) I’ve had a terrific 13 year ride which I wouldn’t trade for anything. I have loved each child and tried to make room for their uniqueness to discover itself and bloom. In Montessori-speak that’s called preparing the environment. I love teaching this way.
  2. finishing all unfinished projects or throwing them out. I did that too. A HUGE sense of relief and bags of discards along with some really good projects – like finishing an album of iconic Ripley photos of the last 22 years. His job will be to create any hereafter!! I’ve done what I can.
  3. deciding what to keep, what to leave with a tenant and what to throw out. I am completely amazed by how little I remember of what I’ve tossed – and the house still feels lived in. I hope Ripley understands what he won’t have to do down the road. I am certainly thrilled that I won’t have to deal with any of it when I get back.
  4. organizing a blog and trying to understand the technology requirements I’ll have.
  5. designing what to put into a 21x14x9” suitcase and a backpack. It’s cold in Peru. Mild, at first, in China. Hot in India. Hot in the day and cold at night in Botswana. Layers, a versatile sleeping bag, good shoes and some money for extra cool clothes in India.
  6. staying healthy – here and there – means GOOD WATER first and foremost. And of course how many meds and supplements do I take??? All this to keep the body together – the soul will flourish on this trip, I am sure of it.
  7. connecting with friends is difficult in this moment. I’m finding it hard to write about my preparations because my mind is SO FILLED UP. It’s like a logjam of thoughts, feelings, observations, wishes, concerns, hopes, practicalities.... I have truly enjoyed the family meetings to pass over whatever responsibilities I can and plan how to accomplish the rest. The small goodbye celebrations are so much more fun than the big bash would be. I don’t have the bandwidth to accommodate too excited a conversation. I really appreciate the good wishes and am very aware of the number of people who will be living vicariously through my experience. I want to do well by them. 
I am remembering several specific instances of telling people about my trip. Particularly on the airplane coming home from Nashville one woman’s reaction stands out. She may have been in her 80’s and when I told her about the trip her eyes got really big and began to glow. She was practically vibrating with excitement, even though she told me that she would never dare to do such a thing.

Older women (perhaps because they have white hair too) are hugely enthusiastic and make a great audience for my stories. It’s fun. Letting out these words is loosening up the logjam. I feel much better. Thanks for ‘listening’.

Please send me notes and comments on this blog. If you want to contact me by email – please write to (caps don’t matter)


  1. Godspeed Anne! I'm not sure I'd have the guts to do what you are setting out to do, but I sure wish I did. Hopefully one side benefit of this journey will be to make it easier to filter the fluff from the thoughts that matter.

