Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Grabbing the Wave - 1st blog

Some years ago I woke up in the middle of the night – sitting straight up and saying, “I’m a clown and I’m walking”! It felt completely real to me. So of course I went to clown school the following summer! My clown name was Apple. I really enjoyed my clown-mates and still love watching their lives, but I am not a clown. I'd have to learn to clown. I don't have to learn to walk, so the remaining question is, what does “I’m walking” mean, and how does it fit into my life?

When I was 8, my mother brought home a woman who had been walking alongside the road with a suitcase. When my mother asked if she needed a ride and where she was going, the woman answered, “I’m going where I’m needed.”  She helped at our house for 3-4 months and then moved on.  Periodically I’ve thought about her and recently realized that 60 long years ago she planted the seed and became a guide for me. "I'm walking" means I'm going where I'm needed with my little suitcase and my enthusiasm! She showed me how... she started walking.

I’m going on a year-long,'round the world adventure, to places where people need what I can give. Sure, there are places here in the US where I could go, but selfishly I’d like one more, big, overseas trip. So I’m going to grab the wave that's been rising and I’m going to hang on tight and give it all I’ve got. All the way to my core I know that it’s the right thing for me to do. I know also that I am exceptionally lucky that timing, opportunity and good health merged at this moment.

In this moment though, it’s time for appreciations and acknowledgements of the people who have inspired me, and those who have helped make this trip real.

My wonderful, loving parents taught all their children to be thoughtful of the wider world and to be fully involved in the lives we each chose. My family ran a small B&B which seemed to attract fascinating people. I remember story-telling around the dinner table with guests, friends and acquaintances - people from near and far. People who observed, who struggled, who sculpted their lives into their own personal shape - and they told us about it. I learned to LOVE hearing good stories, well told, and I hope to carry the tradition forward in this blog.

Appreciations to my profession of nurse practitioner, which I used fully, not just as a way to make a living, but as a way to explore and expand my own life and the lives of others – and to my other profession of Montessori elementary teaching which reconnects me to young, vigorous minds and dreams, and has forced me to approach people differently.

I am deeply grateful to Bill and Ripley with whom I’ve shared the intimacy of the ups and downs of family life, and who might not fully understand me, but are willing supporters of this highly individualized, madcap adventure of mine.

I bow to my many dear friends who acted surprised only for a moment and then encouraged my every step.

Surprise and awe to the reunion-ers I’ve reconnected with just in this year alone. The 63rd  kindergarten reunion, 50th reunions at the hometown school I’d gone to for 10 years and the boarding school from which I graduated, the 45th reunion from nursing school, the 33rd reunion of the beginning of NPACE, an eventful reunion of the early days at HCHP, the 21st birthday parties of the Lamaze class babies..... So many, many reflections on times spent together and the changing/unchanging quality of our lives.

Those were big events for one year and in every one there was a thread of “what do you suppose the next 20 years will bring?” Somehow those conversations caused a pressure wave inside that made me realize, “I want to travel and use my all my skills and talents.”  When an older friend said to me, “If that’s what you want, then do it NOW,” I decided she knew something about aging that I’d better hear.  Do it NOW!

Since last July the plan has been slowly taking shape. I’ve tested and retested in my mind and heart how it will work out and whether I have what it takes to grab this wave.  I DO!  I’m going to hold on for dear life and trust that each breathtaking wavelet will touch my heart and soul in ways I haven’t yet imagined. (and I will work every single day to remain healthy.)

I am so appreciative that you’ll be with me on and off along the way. Send notes too and keep me grounded in the loops of your lives.

So here goes ..... the blog starts now..... 

though the travel starts in June!

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